MIXBLOX wood with photo teaserMIXBLOX wood with photo detail view

My photo as MIXBLOX Wood

  • Mini wood block in 5x5 cm format 
  • Unique look thanks to natural wood grain 
  • Detailed print in highest sharpness 
  • Can be combined and arranged as desired 
each £6.00 £19.90 ¹
quality Premium print quality
ratings Excellent customer satisfaction
shipping1 Free delivery over £49

MIXBLOX made of wood - versatile, sustainable, fantastic.

Our MIXBLOX Wood offer lasting enjoyment of your images. The delicate grain of the wood, which remains visible even after printing, brings out the warm colors of your pictures. Recombine your wooden MIXBLOX over and over again.

MIXBLOX Wood with your photo

  • 2,5 cm thick wood from sustainable certified forestry
  • Tapered edges for a special vintage look 
  • Stable and easy to set up
  • Individual and can be recombined at any time 
MIXBLOX Wood complete view

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MIXBLOX made of wood - personal memories in miniature format

Sustainability meets aesthetics

With our MIXBLOX Wood, your image is printed onto the wood surface using a direct UV printing process. The wood grain, which is still visible after printing, gives your image a unique, lively and warm look. The sustainable wood also provides a pleasant feel due to its fine, smooth texture.

For combinations with wow effect

Due to their size of 5x5cm, the MIXBLOX Wood can be placed anywhere and even stacked. By combining several photo blocks, you get an individual collection of your favorite photos, which can always be rearranged or supplemented with new motifs - for yourself or as a gift for your loved ones.

Ratings and Reviews

2024-06-02. With a customer rating of 4.79 stars from a possible 5, MYPICTURE has an excellent 95% rating (out of a maximum rating of 100%) based on 139706 reviews collected by Trusted Shops. Start designing your MIXBLOX Wood now!

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